By air:

Manila - Catarman (N. Samar)

flight duration: 1 hr. 20 mins.

Frequency: Daily

Airline-Co.: Air Philippines


Manila - Calbayog City (N. Samar)

Frequency: Daily

flight duration: 1 hr. 20 mins.

Airline-Co.: Air Philippines


By sea:

Cebu - Calbayog City (N. Samar)

Frequency: M/W/F


By land:

Manila - Allen (N. Samar)

Frequency: Daily 

Bus-Co.: Philtranco, CUL, Silverstar etc.

around 18 hrs. travel duration 


From points of arrival (Catarman, Calbayog or Allen):

Take a bus or a jeepney to Buenavesta N. Samar:


From Catarman to Buenavesta

by private car 1 hr. 30 mins. / by jeepney 2 hrs. 30 mins. travel duration 


From Calbyog City to Buenavesta

by private car 1 hr. / by jeepney 1 hr. 30 mins. travel duration 


From Allen to Buenavesta

by jeepney 20 mins.


By boat to the Island of San Antonio

Take a passenger boat in Buenavesta or call us and we

pick you up with our ROMA-boat (price on demand).

15 mins. travel duration 

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